Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Changing Patterns

Good day to all. It is blistering hot here in central Arkansas. I would not want to walk across the street barefoot like when i was a kid. I think it would peel the hide off the bottom of your feet. Thank God for giving me the correct mind to put up that shade cloth over the hybridizing area. Lots of tet seed pods are showing as each day goes by. Lots of dip seed pods also.

Ok. Today we are talking about how much the eye pattern changes as the bloom cycle goes on and the temps get hotter. Even if 2 blooms are on the same scape and open on the same day they may have a different look. Todays bloom is Screen Pattern by Pat Stamile. The bloom on the top was open this morning. See how much different it is from the first bloom on the bottom. I have been seeing it happen with gold edges in past years, the edge gets bigger as the heat increases. Well the same seems to be true of these pattern eyes. Even my blue eyed tets are that way. They are blue jean blue now but when they first started blooming they were more purple.

Have a Great Day and drink lots of water. If you must be outside work in the shade. Pray for your neighbor and lets not forget the kids in harms way in our military. Jim Elliott

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