Good morning, what wonderful weather we are having here in central Arkansas. The daylilies are growing so fast. Yesterday i was out front where the future seedlings will be planted and had a moment that i thought was funny and wanted to share with you.
Last year when i turned under this area with a tractor almost imediately a Kildee built her nest and laid her eggs there. Kildees are those birds that run along water fronts and have long legs. So yesterday i had the afternoon off and decided to fertilize and mulch the seedling beds we planted there last fall. The seedlings are looking so good that i should get some to bloom this spring. Click on pictures to enlarge.
When i started getting close to her nest she started making sounds and flopping on the ground trying to draw me away, the longer i ignored her the more dramatic she became. I called to Kathy to get the camera to record her antics. I hope you enjoy this blog.
The daylilies in the green house are scaping up and in a day or two i will show results that are happening just after 30 days of pulling up the plastic on the top. Now is the perfect time of year to add lime, fertilizer or weed granules which have all been discussed on this blog. You can go to the bottom of this blog page and go to Older Posts. Lee Pickles is having some fantastic seedling blooms that he is sharing on his blog so please go for a look. Remember to drink lots of water while you are working outside this spring. Jim Elliott
Thanks for instructions....I did have to reset my password...Photo of the seedling you are naming for your grandaughter is beautiful....Thanks for sharing